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International Psychic Michele has over 20 years Professional Experience specializing in the following;Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball, Tea Leaves, and Angel Cards. Each descipline offers unique insights into the questions being answered. If Psychic Michele feels it's neccessary, Angelic Reiki Healing will be added to re-align your Chakras. International Psychic Michele offers her Professional services in two ways: •Individual Consultation ◦Readings can be done in person or over the phone. ◦Phone readings can be done for local, long distance, and international clients. ◦Price: $50.00 for a 30 minute reading. •Corporate entertainment. ◦Offered for Office/Corporate parties, College parties, Festivals, and Planned Events. ◦Price: $125.00 per hour Psychic Michele's office is located at: "Fly Me To The Moon Psychic Parlour and Curiosities" in Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada. Readings by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Book an appointment by clicking on the BOOK NOW option on her website. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Blog Archive

Thursday 29 September 2011

International Psychic Michele JUST COMPLETED ACP Angel Certification Program Taught by Charles Virtue and Tina Marie Daly

ACP Class - Angel Certification Program
The Angel Certification Program  (ACP) class is taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue and Tina Marie Daly.

This class contains all of the teachings, channelings, and practices taught in the ATP
class and the ETP class in Europe.

After this three day intensive training and clearing class you are a Certified Angel
Healer and will be able to give Angel readings and healings to clients, friends, family,
and yourself.
The course has two main purposes:

  1. Self-healing. This course will help you to release blocks, fears, and old painful emotions.  You'll learn how to let go of the past so that you can hear the voice of the angels and divine guidance.
  2. Skill building. You'll learn the step-by-step methods of giving an angel reading, using Doreen Virtue's oracle cards, and working with the powerful archangels to conduct healings.

Topics include:
  • How to see, hear, feel, and understand Angel messages for yourself, or your clients.
  • Working with the major archangels and ascended masters.
  • Basic Mediumship training to help you connect with departed loved ones.
  • Using oracle cards as a divination tool for yourself and other people.
  • Gaining confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer, and psychic.
  • Practicing your new psychic and healing skills on other workshop attendees.

Whether you plan to use your skills for yourself, your loved ones, or for your private
practice as a Angel Certified Practitioner, this course will inspire you to make positive
and healthful changes in your life. You'll learn how to gain clear guidance from your
guardian Angels, which can help you in every area of your life.

This Angel Training Program is based on Doreen Virtue's Angel class.

Tina Marie Daly, International Psychic Michele and Charles Virtue.

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